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Halloween Fête: A vegetarian option now available

October 18, 2009
Tarteflette vegetarienne

Tartiflette vegetarienne

Andrea, chef at the vegetarian guest house 3 Place des Arbres, will be cooking a vegetarian tartiflette at the special Halloween party in the town of Felletin, la Cruese, Limousin France.

The town’s Committee des Fetes, les fuse@niment, organise events throughout the year, but this will the first time a vegetarian option will be offered. “I am very excited,” Andrea said. “It will be great, not just for vegetarians, but for people who want to cut down their meat intake, or for religious, or other reasons, do not eat lardons [bacon]”.

The recipe for the vegetarian Tartiflette will be available on this site at a later date.

The menu will be: Pumkin Soup, Tartiflette (Végétarienne), and fruit salad. It will be followed by music and dancing.

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